Rajesh Aggarwal – Motivational Speaker | Author | Brand Story Coach

How to Remain No.1

Leadership | Branding | Speaking Skills | Personality Development | Success Strategy | Goal Setting | Time Management

CoachRajesh Event
Story One: The Elephant and the Chain

A big elephant has one leg tied to a small chain. If he gives a little blow, the chain can break, but he will not be able to break that thin chain for the rest of his life. Why? Because the chain was tied to his leg since he was very young. At that time, he tried hard to break the chain but could not. Since then, he has been convinced that he would not be able to break this chain for the rest of his life. Now, he does not realize that he can break it in one stroke.

Similarly, in our lives, self-doubt, fear, and the chain of negative emotions or obstructions do not allow us to move forward. But with the right guidance, a new life can be created by leaving the past behind.

Story Two: The Piranha and the Glass Wall

In a large glass container, a lot of dreaded piranha fish are kept on one side, and a piece of meat on the other side. Both are separated by a glass wall in the middle. The piranha fish repeatedly go to eat the prey but come back after hitting the glass wall. In the end, they feel that they will never be able to eat it. After a few days, the glass wall is removed. But despite this, the piranha does not eat the prey. Why? Because it has become ingrained in their minds that the glass wall is still there.

In the same way, negative thoughts ingrained for years do not allow us to take new steps, new decisions, and new actions.

Final Story : The Flute and the Scrap Dealer

A scrap dealer is selling many goods. There is a flute on which is written Rs. 5/-. A flute player passes by and plays a very melodious tone on that flute. A crowd gathers. Many people want to buy that flute. The scrap dealer made two zeros sit in front of that 5/-, i.e., now its price is 500/-. People asked why 5/- to 500/- directly? The scrap dealer said that a while ago it was a common junk, but an expert has increased its market value by showing its properties.

Many of us sell our skills or products very cheaply because we do not know what is hidden inside us and how to increase our Brand value .
In my thirty years of training career, I have seen many people go from zero to hero.

If you also want to discover your best version and fly high with your hidden potential, market value, leadership quality, brand value, and speaking skills, then you can decide to invest in your personal development.

Whatever you are today is because of the choices you made or avoided in the past, and your future will be shaped by the decisions you make today.

Major Key Areas to be Covered:

  • 👉 Despite the competition, what to do so that the demand for your brand remains?
  • 👉 How to align a team with goals so that you don’t need a daily reminder?
  • 👉 How to put your point across effectively so that people are attracted and the deal is done?
  • 👉 What to change in your thinking and mindset so that you can convert every crisis into an opportunity?
  • 👉 What exactly to publish on social media to reach your focused target group?
  • 👉 How to become a powerful speaker to increase leadership quality and popularity?
  • 👉What people-handling skills to develop so that you can join the category of the highest earners?
How the workshop is done :
It’s two day workshop from 10am – 5pm. We shall enrol only 12 participants maximum. The workshop will take place in Star Hotel.
Fee : Rs.52,500/- + 18% GST = Rs.61,950/-

Testimony Videos

Author | Brand Story Coach Whatsapp: 9871144880

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